Volunteering, Membership, Sponsorhip, or All?

As a volunteer-run non-profit we rely on people’s passion and availability to make things happen.  We are currently working on the  following projects:

  • Compost Training Facility off Chi Rd at NCSU
  • Sustainable Spirits (monthly networking events)
  • Waste Reduction Workshops
  • On-going website maintenance

If this sounds interesting to you OR if you have any ideas on how to make our impact event larger, please get in contact with us.

Easiest way to support the NC Composting Council through a $25, $50, or $100 tax-deductible donation. 100% of the proceeds go to the NCCC. By supporting us you are supporting the healthy production of soil amendment in North Carolina!

As a sponsor your proceeds go towards the support of the North Carolina Composting Council (NCCC) and will help advance the composting industry in the State, encourage the growth of the industry, create new jobs, and will increase the amount of wastes diverted from landfilling and land application. 100% of the proceeds go to the NCCC. The annual fees range from $125 to $500 and the benefits include:

  • Website advertising
  • Invitations to board meetings
  • 5% discount on NCCC functions and seminars
  • 10% discount on NCCC Compost Operator Training Course
  • 10% Discount on NCCC merchandise

By becoming a member of the United States Composting Council (USCC) and NC Composting Council your proceeds help us continue to promote and advance the composting industry nationwide. 5% of the proceedings go to the NC Composting Council. The membership dues range from $25 to $10,000. As a USCC/NCCC member you will receive:

  • Increased exposure and networking opportunities
  • USCC Annual Conference and Trade Show discounts
  • Exposure and listing on the USCC/NCCC website
  • Free and reduced rates on advertising, subscriptions, and products
  • Access to the most up to date information concerning the composting industry
  • USCC/NCCC training program discounts
  • Increased credibility – Association with the USCC recognized as the voice of the composing industry
  • Use of the USCC/NCCC logos
  • USCC Seal of Testing Assurance Program discounts
  • Connection with the best composters, suppliers, manufacturers, officials, and affiliates to the composting industry
  • Effect change and impact the direction of the industry
  • NCCC Committee involvement
