The North Carolina Composting Council (NCCC) is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to the development, expansion, and promotion of composting and compost-use in both the domestic and industry setting. Our work is based on sound science, principles of sustainability, and economic viability.

The NCCC achieves its mission by:

  • encouraging and guiding research
  • promoting best composting practices
  • establishing standards
  • educating professionals and the public
  • enhancing product quality and markets
  • educating professionals and the public about the use of compost and its effect on soil fertility

The NCCC is an authorized affiliate organization of the US Composting Council as approved by the US Composting Council in April 2007.  As a state-level affiliate, NCCC is charged with promoting the programs and activities of the national US Composting Council to advance composting and promote compost use, to enhance soils and provide economic and environmental benefits for our members and society. 

USCC-NCCC members envision that composters, generators of organic residues, policy-makers, regulators, professionals, and consumers will pursue this mission. To get in contact, please email us at:

Sign-up for NCCC’s monthly and mid-month newsletter:

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