NCCC Committees
Consider joining one of our five active committees to help us further composting in NC. Just 1-2 hours per month makes a positive impact in our industry. To get involved, send us an email or speak to one of our board members – find their contact information here.
Education & Outreach Committee
The Education & Outreach Committee (EOC) seeks to represent the NC Composting Council and promote composting in all forms by organizing and participating at events, workshops, and conferences where feasible. The EOC also creates and/or promotes education courses of the NCCC, often in cooperation with other organizations.
If you’d like to serve on this committee, please click below to contact the Chair, Erika Fye:
Access & Advisory Committee
The Access & Advisory Committee (AAC) monitors legislative and policy matters where the compost industry can have an impact such as organic waste diversion, soil health, climate change, agriculture and urban infrastructure. The AAC can educate and assist decision-makers from the national to the local level in support of composting and compost use, especially as it related to these important issues. The AOC partners with NGOs and other stakeholders to form coalitions, and the AOC participates in the USCC’s LEAC (The Legislative & Environmental Affairs Committee).
If you’d like to serve on this committee please click below to contact its Chair, Dr. Janel Louise Ohletz:
Communications & Marketing Committee
The Communications & Marketing Committee (CMC) creates promotional content for printed material, the NCCC website, Facebook, Instagram, and other digital resources related to NC Composting Council activities, the benefits of composting and using compost, and supports the work of the other NCCC committees.
If you would like to serve on this committee, please click below to get in touch with its Chair, Kate Sullivan:
Compost Operations Training Course (COTC) Committee
The COTC Committee plans, organizes, and facilitates the annual NCCC COTC training. Included in this committee’s responsibilities are to:
– Collaborate with the Compost Research and Education Foundation (CREF) for promotion and registration
– Ensure compliance with CREF’s COTC requirements
– Secure presenters for each session, aiding presenters with session content
– Secure the classroom, pile-building location, and needed supplies
– Find sponsors for lunches, program, and other opportunities
– Coordinate with local compost facilities and NCDA for field trips.
If you would like to serve on this committee, please click below to get in touch with its Chair, Kate Sullivan:
Coastal Composting Committee
The Coastal Composting Council (CCC) is a regional committee of the NC Composting Council, based in Wilmington, NC, dedicated to furthering the mission of the NCCC in the coastal region through education and outreach, supporting organics collection and composting infrastructure, and influencing regional policy. The CCC serves as a model for other regions who want a regional NC Composting Council.
If you would like to serve on this committee, please click below to get in touch with its Chair, Matt Collogan: