Network and seek advice for success in a growing industry!
The only annual training in the world on commercial vermiculture, this event provides the tools you need to start or expand an earthworm or vermicompost production operation. At this conference there are ample opportunities to get answers to your questions from industry experts and other growers.
During this two-day conference, you will learn how to start or expand an earthworm or vermicompost production facility. Key issues for vermicomposting operations will be covered, such as earthworm husbandry, feedstocks, siting, equipment, permits, monitoring, harvesting, shipping, and marketing.
Although dairy manure is the leading feedstock used in large vermicomposting operations in the USA, an increasing number of facilities are processing food waste. Speakers at this conference will describe their experiences using each of these feedstocks. A researcher in Israel will share his work with vermicomposting spent mushroom waste, and an entrepreneur will describe the three dozen large vermicomposting operations he has set up in communities in Mexico. Another speaker will share her findings on a recent tour of vermicomposting facilities in Cuba and the United States. Additional topics are on the Agenda page of the conference website.
Registration is now open for 18th Vermiculture Conference, October 26-27. Click here: